
Anggoro P avatar image
Anggoro P asked Anggoro P commented

Repeat schedule resource per week: quantity by percentage (per weekdays)


I have one weekly prob distribution for demand quantity. Also, I have different percentage demand during weekdays.

I use schedule source, then choose repeat schedule, fill the table with 5 different rows, representing working days. For quantity I select by percentage and put daily percentage (e.g Monday 20%, Tuesday 30%, etc and make sure the total is 100%) and put the same distribution for all rows (all days)

Is it the correct approach to model it?

Note: after inputting all data for every row, if I want to check again the data by opening the quantity field again, it seems that the percent and quantity are back to default data. Is it a bug or actually the data input before are already saved?



Choose One
by percentage
a.jpg (57.9 KiB)
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1 Answer

Mischa Spelt avatar image
Mischa Spelt answered Anggoro P commented

If you are seeing the default pick option every time you open it, you may be re-selecting it from the dropdown. Selecting an option from the drop down will copy a "clean" version of that pickoption to the logic of the field. To see / change what you have entered before, use the "Properties" button next to the field.

Also, the way you have used the "by percentage" option here does not make sense: you should make sure that the percentages add up to 100 and in the screenshot you only have 30. Also note that entering the same distribution for all Quantity fields of the By Percentage option is the same as just entering it straight into the quantity field. And it is unlikely that your model time units are days, so entering time 1, 2, 3, ... 5 will probably generate too many tokens (every second, minute or hour instead of day).

Perhaps you can share your input data: how is the demand specified exactly?

properties-popup.png (138.3 KiB)
· 1
5 |100000

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