
Kuilin S avatar image
Kuilin S asked Kuilin S commented

How to generate the task sequence transmitted to the Dispatcher?

Now I am working for the crane taskSequence? I want to generate a sequence of tasks to send to two random cranes. In other words, either of the two cranes can do the work. How will I logically move entities between the two queue areas? demo_dispatcher.fsm

FlexSim 22.0.4
demo-dispatcher.fsm (31.4 KiB)
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Kuilin S commented

setup connections:

object connections: "a"-Type from source> queue > queue > sink (basic)

center connection: "s"-Type from first queue to dispatcher

object connections: "a"-Type dispatcher > crane1 and dispatcher > crane2

Edit Properties Dispatcher "Dispatcher" pane Property "Pass To" to Random Port

Edit Properties first Queue: pane Property "Output" activate "Use Transport"


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