
Kuilin S avatar image
Kuilin S asked Jason Lightfoot commented

How to write task sequence based on the crane scheduling?

Hello everyone,

Now I'm working on a specific problem. We need to call the crane block to Queue1 20 seconds after start processing, and wait for the completion of processing (the crown block is in the occupied state) to carry "Box" to Queue2. The Source generates an endless stream of orders, and each order is a task that generates the above sequence of required tasks, which are sent to the Dispatcher to assign a random crane (equivalent to the field dispatcher). I don't want to solve this problem based on process flow. I want to finish this TASK by writing TASKTYPE_, Please help me with the logic. Many thanks.


FlexSim 22.0.4
dispatchercranetasksequencemessage trigger
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot commented

You could send a message to the processor for 20 seconds time after process starts (use the process time trigger) and in the message trigger call the crane over using TraveltoLoc task.

You could use a multiprocessor and have the processFinish of a 20second operation call the crane over.

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Kuilin S avatar image Kuilin S commented ·

I tried the idea you said, but I can't guarantee whether the waiting crane and the handling crane are the same. I can't find the overall logic of this task sequence. I hope you can help me with more details. Thank you.

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ Kuilin S commented ·
You mean in the model you can't guarantee the same crane? Then store the reference to the crane you got to travel to the queue somewhere and use that in the generation of the task sequence to transport the item.
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