
Kuilin S avatar image
Kuilin S asked Felix Möhlmann commented

The logic for TaskSequence-find the reference of the task that being updated?

Now we have a scenario where we need to call the crown block to Queue1 20 seconds after processing, and wait for the completion of processing (the crown block is in the occupied state) to call "Box" to Queue2. The Source generates an endless stream of orders, and each order is a task that generates the above sequence of required tasks, which are sent to the Dispatcher to assign the crane (equivalent to the field dispatcher). The task is triggered at the appropriate starting point (delayed message), and I'm not sure what the reference to that task is. Because the tree structure is updated by rolling. Here is the model that I'm working with, please help me.


FlexSim 22.0.4
demo-dispatcher.fsm (33.1 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

When creating the task sequence you could write it to a label on the item. When the message is received the item should be the first (and only) object inside the processor (fromObject), which gives you an easy reference to the task sequence.

Another problem with your current model is that cranes only do offset travel. To have them move to a certain location while not loading/unloading, you have to use the TRAVELTOLOC task type.




When also taking into account that the crane would then have to wait until the processor actually finishes, I believe controlling the cranes through a process flow might be the easier option.


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