
Gabriela VR avatar image
Gabriela VR asked Gabriela VR commented

How can a crane move two flow items?

In my simulation, at the beginning,PROCESS FLOW TWO SOURCE.fsm there's an item already in a processor (POS6). The crane has to pick up the first item from the sink and drop it in the first processor (POS4), after that goes to pick up the item that is waiting in POS6 and drops it in POS7. Then goes back to POS4, Picks up the item and drops it in POS6, and so on. How can I make this happen?

The sequence is


FlexSim 21.1.1
processflowflexsim 21.1.1tasksequencecranes
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Julio R avatar image
Julio R answered Gabriela VR commented

Hello Gabriela,

Here is an example on how to do it, of course there is other ways. You will see that I deactivated your logic, but the one I did is simple and is explained in the processFlow.


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