
Gabriela VR avatar image
Gabriela VR asked Gabriela VR commented

How can the crane`s hook stay down until it goes to the next position?


I`m trying to keep the "hook" of the crane to unload and stay low until it goes to the next position to pick up the next item that way it doesn`t waste time going back up while is empty. Is that possible?

Thank you in advance,


FlexSim 21.1.1
processflowflexsim 21.1.1crane movement
crane-unloading.fsm (110.3 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered Gabriela VR commented

You could change the lift height of the crane to 0 in an On Unload trigger with the following code:

  1. current.setVariable("liftheight", 0);

If the crane can pick up multiple items at the same time, you should first check whether it was the last item that got unloaded, so the code becomes:

  1. if(current.subnodes.length < 2)
  2. {
  3. current.setVariable("liftheight", 0);
  4. }

Then you reset it in an On Load trigger, when the crane picks up an item the next time:

  1. current.setVariable("liftheight", 4);

(4 is the default value, you can of course choose another value if you like)

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