
William Proctor avatar image
William Proctor asked William Proctor answered

How to release a crane to deliver a flowitem in Processflow?

I have developed a Processflow sequence around a crane system which delivers a flowitem "Ladle" to a processor. The crane waits with the Ladle at the processor until it is finished processing and then must deliver the Ladle to one of three locations. When the processor is complete, however, it is possible that none of the three locations are ready for the delivery so the crane must essentially wait for an available location. I can see different potential ways to accomplish this with lists, etc. but not sure the best way using Processflow. Thanks for your help!

FlexSim 18.1.1
processflowlistscrane movement
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1 Answer

William Proctor avatar image
William Proctor answered

I talked with Sam and we were able to solve this using a decision object. I use custom programming in the decision object to route the token to one of three connections (one for each location) based upon information in the model. If none of the locations are available then the decision routes the token to a fourth connector which loops through a delay object and back to the decision to check again. It is basically a custom-made wait until loop.

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