
Joseph L4 avatar image
Joseph L4 asked Eric M edited

Crane movement under process flow is bugged.

Hey, so currently my model is technically working how it should (it is getting from one end to the other); however, when the crane moves to lift the pallet it is no where near where it should be and then it drops it on the combiner, but it ends up in the last queue. So, it is working, but it looks really bad. Any help would be appreciated.interiorLine-0.fsm

FlexSim 21.1.4
processflowcrane movement
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1 Answer

Eric M avatar image
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Eric M answered Eric M edited

Hey @Joseph L4, I would just use the standard 3d logic to control the crane's movement. I just added an a-connection from the conveyor to the queue and an s-connection from the exit transfer to the crane. I then changed the exit transfer output to use transport.

I also noticed one other thing happening in your model. The unload activity Station needed to be updated to make sure the first pallet was loaded onto the combiner and all other pallets were loaded into the first pallet. If you watch the original model, you'll notice the first green pallet isn't loaded into the red pallet but into the combiner. To fix this, I changed the condition to look how many items are already in the combiner. If there are none, the pallet will be loaded into the combiner, if there is already an pallet in the combiner, the pallet will be loaded into the first pallet.


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