Hi everyone,
For my thesis i am simulating a warehouse where trucks arrive to pick up goods. I am almost done with building the process as it currently goes. I have 3 issues that i can not get fixed due to my lack of expertise.
1. Ultimately, my goal is to reduce the truck congestion. I added a dashboard with some interesting statistics for this. Unfortunately I can not figure out how to add the most important one - the composite state chart of all trucks that flow through the model. This statistic should tell me the percentage of time the trucks are 'blocked', 'idle', or 'travelling empty/loaded'. As i want to reduce the truck congestion, it is important to know for instance the amount of time they are blocked, as i can compare this to situations where i alter things. When the trucks flow through the model, I can see their state, so I assume it is possible to grasp this in a composite chart, right? I have tried with custom code to add the created trucks to a group called Trucks, but the charts in the dashboard that are supposed to show the state of this group is not working.
2. In my model, two types of shipments are created to be picked up by trucks. They are LooseCargo, which exists of one or many boxes, and ULD's which exists of one or multiple pallets. I am happy with the way my shipments are created and moved to the staginglane of the dockdoor that is acquired by a specific truck. However, I want to model it in such a way that DockDoor1 is the only door that can be acquired by trucks picking up the ULD shipments. DockDoor2 until DockDoor12 can be used for picking up LooseCargo shipments. I have tried to assign individual labels for ULD and LooseCargo and pull these but keep getting error messages or the model does not do what I want. I think I made a bit of a mess with all the labels and tokens (at least i lost track).
3. Thirdly, I want my 'Shipments' list to show for each shipment what is its type (LooseCargo or ULD), what the quantity of the shipment is (how many boxes or pallets), which DockDoor it is assigned to, and how long it has been on the list. I only managed to fix the last one.
It would be really helpful if someone could take a look at these three issues to help me forward!! This would be greatly appreciated.