I would like to pull a queue name from a global table adding a number according with the index. I tried that using the string type in a global table, but it didn't work. Have another way to do that?
I would like to pull a queue name from a global table adding a number according with the index. I tried that using the string type in a global table, but it didn't work. Have another way to do that?
Hey @Maíra A, I think I found the problem. When you evaluate
- token.name + string.fromNum(token.number)
it returns 1. That's because "name" is a special label that, in this case, is the id of the token
So, to get the right value, I changed your label to "Name" (capitalized) and it worked.
You don't need that "link" label, I just made it to help debug.
Thank you so much for your answer! Just if someone have the same doubt, at this test model the problem was really the name "name" of the label. In contrast, in my really model i was using other name and was not working, this happened because i hadn't create the queues yet, so the system doesn't read the string. When i created the queue with a compatible name this worked.
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