
Maíra A avatar image
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Maíra A asked Maíra A commented

How can i pull a queue name from a global table?

I would like to pull a queue name from a global table adding a number according with the index. I tried that using the string type in a global table, but it didn't work. Have another way to do that?


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1 Answer

Kavika F avatar image
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Kavika F answered Maíra A commented

Hey @Maíra A, I think I found the problem. When you evaluate

  1. + string.fromNum(token.number)

it returns 1. That's because "name" is a special label that, in this case, is the id of the token


So, to get the right value, I changed your label to "Name" (capitalized) and it worked.



You don't need that "link" label, I just made it to help debug.

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