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shanice.c asked Joerg Vogel answered

Decide activity using double

Hello, in Decide activity, the connector value it returns is integer like this.


While I need to double in my Decide activity, I use custom code instead, but all tokens still go to first connector. 1660021995119.png

FlexSim 22.1.0
1660021995119.png (58.8 KiB)
1660022115093.png (48.2 KiB)
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

give a name each connector behind a decide activity!

Switch by case in process flow

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

'id' is a special property of tokens (as you can tell by the fact that it appears in purple font). It is a unique identification number for the token. The first created token will have an id of 1, the second of 2 and so on.

If you have a label called "id", you have to use different syntax so FlexSim knows that you want to access a label with that name and not get the id number of the token.


The numbers in your screenshot are probably only used as an example, but seeing how they are each just offset by 0.5 from the connector rank, you could also use

int returnValue = token.labels["id"].value + 0.5;
return returnValue;
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