
Pradeep Arul Pragash avatar image
Pradeep Arul Pragash asked Pradeep Arul Pragash commented

Uncertainties in the results of an ASRS model.


I have created an ASRS model to simulate the various storage and retrieval procedures.


Uploaded T-2.fsm and summaryreport.csv to flex sim file share site


Source output: 1500 boxes

Rack 1 in&ouput: 1500 boxes

Rack 2 in&output : 276 boxes


1) I am trying to understand why most of the boxes are being stored in Rack 1..... (1500 boxes of Rack 1 vs 276 boxes of Rack 2)

2) Is the ASRS shuffling the boxes? If so, how to stop the shuffling?

3) When the number of boxes coming out from the source is only 1500... Why have 1500+276 boxes gone into the racks? (Again I believe it is due to shuffling)


Object Class stats_content stats_contentmin stats_contentmax stats_contentavg stats_input stats_output stats_staytimemin stats_staytimemax stats_staytimeavg state_current
Source1 Source 0 0 0 0 0 1500 0 2777.985584 86.897909 4
Queue1 Queue 0 0 1 0.854486 1500 1500 9.810992 2786.493826 92.249597 6
Queue2 Queue 0 0 1 0.555766 1500 1500 60 60 60 6
Rack1 Rack 0 0 150 92.246827 1500 1500 32.354906 15424.43474 9958.891882 1
Rack2 Rack 0 0 150 133.524783 276 276 78.126423 140176.6971 78343.62109 1
ASRSvehicle1 ASRSvehicle 0 0 1 0.358529 3276 3276 10.087168 24.908279 17.722767 1
Sink1 Sink 1 0 1 0.999071 1500 0 0 0 0 7
FlexSim 22.2.0
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Pradeep Arul Pragash commented

Hello @Pradeep Arul Pragash,

On Rack 1 you have Rack 2 connected via an output port.


So When the Queue2 is not available then the items are sent to rack 2.

Also your Queue1 uses the logic of "First Available" which means as long as Rack 1 has space then the flow items will go there. There are several other available options if you select the dropdown arrow next to the field.


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