I have multiple queues that my items can possibly filter into, but the queues are restricted by a maximum total amount of a label.
I have labels attached to my flowitems that I wish to restrict going into each of the queues based on the calculated total of said label. Let's just assume that I have several tokens with labels 1,4,5. My restriction is 6. So I can put 1 and 4 into the one queue restricted by the zone, but then I can't fit the 5 in since it would exceed my max calculated total of 6. But I do have another queue (another zone then) that I would like the 6 token to makes its way into (if available of course). What is the best way to accomplish this task (also think of if there were 3 or many more queues)? Is there a way to probe the calculated total from a zone and use a decide to send that other token down a different path?