
Amy M3 avatar image
Amy M3 asked Amy M3 commented

3D drawings

Can anyone recommend software to take a 3D drawing and convert the objects into smaller files we can use in Flexsim? We have tried inventor with no luck. We have a lot of drawings from vendors and so far have not been able to successfully use in flexsim due to size/complexity of the files.

FlexSim 22.1.3
3d object
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Steven Hamoen avatar image
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Steven Hamoen answered Amy M3 commented

@Amy M3 Most important is to remove everything you don't see. usually the vendors make complex drawing with everything in there. But for instance if you look at a forklift truck, you don't see the engine, how the wheel is constructed etc. You see the body and the wheels, so everything else underneath the body can be removed.

Other solution would be a polygon reducer. In the past I have heard some good stories about polytrans being able to reduce the size of a file. You can specify with what percentage you want to decrease your file and it takes away polygons. So you can define at what level you find it acceptable.

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Amy M3 avatar image
Amy M3 answered Amy M3 commented

Was hoping to hear how others were doing it, what software is useful

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