
Liam Chiu avatar image
Liam Chiu asked Felix Möhlmann commented

How can I fix Excel import error?


I am trying to import different excel files for different scenarios. In Model Trigger I use a set of code and set the global variable "Sheet", but when I use the experimenter to experiment, the excel file cannot be read. I am unsure what is causing this.

Thank you for your advance.





FlexSim 20.1.3
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

Use a forward slash "/" in the file path instead of a backslash "\".

  1. excelopen("D:/Information.xlsx");

Also, based on your screenshots it looks like your global variable "Sheet" should be a string type since you assign the actual sheet name to it in the experimenter. You then also don't need to construct the name in the code.

  1. excelsetsheet(Sheet);

Setting it up like that works without error for me.


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