
Bob G avatar image
Bob G asked Bob G commented

Hide Connector Between Task Executer and Travel Node

I would like to display the travel nodes and edges in my model but not the connection (red line) between the Task Executer and its current node.

Is there a way to hide the red line? Unchecking Show Connections in the 3D View properties window does not do this.

Any suggestions?


FlexSim 22.2.2
task executertravel networksconnector
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Bob G commented

You can cycle through the display modes by holding x and clicking on a network node, or right clicking a network node and selecting the Network View Mode. The closest of these to what you want is to show the edges, but with this option the nodes are hidden:


1663941857277.png (39.8 KiB)
· 3
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Bob G avatar image Bob G commented ·

Thanks for the suggestion.

Showing only the edges hides the connectors but also the nodes. It seems there is no way to hide just the connectors.

Perhaps the best approach is to show just the edges and then add shapes to represent the nodes.

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ Bob G commented ·

You can draw a shape for each node regardless of the display mode. That allows you to retain the functionality of moving and clicking network nodes. Here is an example of the draw code:

  1. drawtomodelscale(current);
  2. drawsphere(0,0,0,viewpointradius(view).value/100,255,255,255);

Or set up a user command to be called by each network node, passing in view and current as parameters and put the code above in the user command.


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Bob G avatar image Bob G commented ·
Thanks! Drawing a shape in the node OnDraw trigger works well.
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