
Stan Davis avatar image
Stan Davis asked Joerg Vogel commented

How to Show Non-Storable Slot

When a slot is configured as not storable, it is not shown...


Is there a way to overide this and still show the slot? I need the rack to still appear for visual reasons because it may be adjacent to another rack with an item that overspans onto it. If the slot can be shown, can the appearance also be changed?

1664286756697.png Thanks - Stan

FlexSim 22.2.2
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1 Answer

Stan Davis avatar image
1 Like"
Stan Davis answered Joerg Vogel commented

Rethinking this, it's much easier to just leave slot as storable and assign a label to the slot (e.g. "OverSpan")...


and use that label in a FindSlot's where condition (WHERE .... AND slot.OverSpan = 0). This will prevent the slot from being selected.

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