
Marc R5 avatar image
Marc R5 asked Joerg Vogel edited

Query number of items in a queue where item label meets a condition


I have a queue with multiple items. Each item has its labels, and I would want to know the number of items that the label "oDepartureTruck" == X. How can I do that?



FlexSim 22.2.2
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1 Answer

Steven Hamoen avatar image
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Steven Hamoen answered Felix Möhlmann edited

@Marc R5 There are several solutions possible. Maybe the easiest is using the onentry and onexit triggers and everytime an item enters or exits increase a label on the queue. (or use process flow to do this)

The 2nd option is create a for loop that loop through all the items in the queue and adds up the ones with the correct label. You could for instance put this in a user command

The 3d option is more or less the same as the second but you can use the build in query language to create a query.

Option 1 is the fastest, 3 the slowest

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