
Joe L6 avatar image
Joe L6 asked Joe L6 commented

Make Combiner keep combining even the target quantity didn't achive

Here's a situation that I want to simulate:

A machine can process at most 10 items in one run. Operator will combine 10 items together and put it in the machine. If there are more than 10 items waiting in the queue before the machine, operator will always combine 10 items together and put it in the machine. Until the end, there are less than 10 items waiting in the queue, then operator will combine the remaining items and put it in the machine. After the machine finishing the process, operator will separate the items.

To simulate the upon situation, I set the FlexSim model as below:


And it will remain 1 item in the Combiner1.


How can I change the Target Quantity of Combiner1 into the number of remaining items in the Queue1?

PS: The reason that I don't set Maximum Content of the Processor is that I need the operator to process. But FlexSim can't let the Operator process the Processor with more than 1 item.

FlexSim 18.1.2
combinerseparatortarget quantity
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered Joe L6 commented

There is a picklist option on Entry event trigger to update the component list.
It uses a global table. It updates the component list only on Entry of an item entering through port one as the container item. If you update the value of components right before a container item is entering an incomplete full pallet or container, you need only change the global table value to the value of remaining items in the queue. Once the packaging is complete you set the value back to default value.
This approach is much simpler than to update the source code in a combiner to pack items.

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Jeanette F avatar image
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Jeanette F answered Joe L6 commented

Hello @Joe L6,

In the following model I use process flow but you could move this into a trigger on the combiner. In the process flow the token waits for the OnProcessFinish event on the combiner and then the token gathers the content of the queue and compares it to the target quantity of the combiner. If the content is less then it will change the combiner's component list and targetcomponentsum variables to take in what's left in the queue.

I also put an on reset trigger on the combiner to set its component list back to 9.


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