
Alv avatar image
Alv asked Ben Wilson commented

Is there any way to assign the Target Quantity of a Combiner as a Parameter


As far as I know, to make the expermienter work I need to create the parameters and assign them to the values I want to experiment with. In my model I'm trying to experiment with the target quantity of a combiner as a paramter but I haven't been able to assign it. Is there any way to do it?


FlexSim 21.0.2
experimentercombinerparametertarget quantity
· 2
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Eric M avatar image
1 Like"
Eric M answered

Hi @Alv, I've attached a model that can control the target quantity using the parameter table. It works by creating a global table that references the parameter table. Then on the "on entry" trigger of the combiner you can select "update combiner component list." Here you specify the table and the label that you want to read from. The table is the global table just created. The label is read from the container object entering the combiner or the pallet in this case (this allows you to have different quantities for different product numbers which I don't think you need in your case). I just set the label on the pallets to be 1 so it would read from the first column of the global table which is linked to your parameters.

Combiner Target Quantity Parameter.fsm

5 |100000

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