
Aaupadhye avatar image
Aaupadhye asked Natalie White commented

Combiner target quantity taking variable quantity of items from two queues?

Hi all,

I was wondering how I would be able to update the combiner components list dynamically based off of how many items are in a specific queue. For example, if 5 items are routed to the queue, I want the combiner to have a target quantity of 5 items before it is passed through. If 7 items are routed to the queue, I want 7 items to be the target quantity. I tried using global table to accomplish this but either I completely misinterpreted how to use it or it is the wrong solution to this problem. Any help would be appreciated. For reference, I always want one box and x clothes items (spheres) in my model. I will attach my model.

WCOC Simulation Project.fsm

FlexSim 23.0.8
combinertarget quantity
· 1
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Julie Weller avatar image
Julie Weller answered Julie Weller commented

Hi @Aaupadhye! I took a look at this and the best (and likely only) way to do it would be to swap your combiner with a processor and use process flow! Here's a few posts that can help explain more about why that is and other methods of achieving your end goal:

I ended up just doing a simple list. On your Packing Station A I disconnected the 'A' connection (so if you still wanted to use the operator to transport you would need to add a task sequence) and swapped the combiner for a processor.

Next I had all items that arrived at the Packing Station A get pushed onto a new global list that I made called ClothingItems using the On Entry trigger like this:


After that in process flow I added an Event Triggered Source activity that was triggered by a pallet entering the new processor (also I swapped your boxes for a pallet just because pallet and totes's are packable/combinable but boxes aren't). In that source I assigned a new label to that token called pallet (this allows us to reference the pallet location later on):


I created a Global Table that just has this code snippet in it:


This allows us to get the current number of items in the queue to combine.

I then pulled from the ClothingItems list and referenced that table like so:


It's important to use a Max Wait time on this activity because it allows the pallets (which are doing the pulling so to speak) to move on if there's nothing to pull. Which is the same reason I changed the destination on the trigger for the time to send those tokens straight to a sink (destination #2)


Then I moved the token(s) I pulled into the pallet that was assigned at the beginning.

I may have messed up your Packing Station B logic so you might want to look at it, but here's the whole model!

wcoc-simulation-project (2).fsm

Does that answer your question?

· 8
5 |100000

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