
Jarod P avatar image
Jarod P asked Jarod P commented

Excel Import Issue since upgrading to Flexsim 2022 Update 1

Ever since i have updated to FlexSim 2022.1.0 i have been having an issue importing excel files into global tables. I thought perhaps it was an issue with .1.0 so i installed .2.0 but am having the same issue. I have encountered it on models that were very large so i chalked it up to me making some mistake in the model so i worked around it on that model. Today i started creating a brand new model, i dont even have a Process Flow started and im getting this error. U71x Spoiler.fsm


FlexSim 22.2.1
excel importimport2022
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u71x-spoiler.fsm (296.9 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Jarod P commented

Hello @Jarod P,

I created a test excel file to load into your Global Table and it had no problems loading it in.

Could you send in an excel file that has this issue occur? From what I could find from past posts there was an occurrence when this error was thrown it did turn out to be a bug. However often with excel issues, repairing or reinstalling excel has solved issues. If you could send us a file that has issues we could more easily analyze if its a bug in FlexSim or if your excel is in need of repair.

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