
Anutt K avatar image
Anutt K asked Anutt K commented

Task Executer don't travel to destination

Hello. From my model to build Auto car parking garage. This is entry of lift for Car IN process.


And use this logic for control the car go into lift. That should be >> car entry to queue >> lift move down >> car travel to NN at center of lift >> waiting Human Time >> lift move up.


But when lift down to floor. The car not travel to NN at lift and travel to another direction at far from lift.


I think that because a location of car has change when in entry to queue. It far from location of NN.

How can I fix it. I has attached this model here. Thank You.

Test Entry.fsm

FlexSim 22.1.1
task executertraveltask executer flowitemtravel agv
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test-entry.fsm (2.6 MiB)
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Anutt K commented

You are correct that the reason for this is that the car has been moved into the queue. At that point it uses the coordinates relative to the origin point of the queue. This is however not taken into account in the travel activity, when told to travel to an object. So the car travels to the coordinate values of the node in the model in the coordinate system of the queue.

To work around this you can project the network nodes location to the queue's coordinate system and use a Travel to Loc activity.


1667805952468.png (35.0 KiB)
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David Chan avatar image
David Chan answered Anutt K commented

@Anutt K your Sedan is in the Queue and N440 is in the model space. You need to move the Sedan back to the model space in order for it travels to right location.


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