
Nouf avatar image
Nouf asked Ben Wilson commented

Task executer as a flow item transport a flow item on a conveyor


I am working on a baggage handling system, and currently, I am struggling to find how a passenger can take baggage off a conveyor.

There are two sources in this simple project: source1 for boxes (Baggage) and source2 for flow items that act as task executors (Passengers). I want the flow item that acts as a task executor to take the box off the conveyor. Therefore, I connected all the conveyors with a sink, then dragged a destination point and connected it with an exit transfer. I made a center connection between the exit transfer and source2. I edited the exit transfer properties, and I made it use a transport (task executor as a flow item). However, I can't run this project because of this error.

Your help with this would be greatly appreciated.


FlexSim 20.2.0
task executerflowitemconveyorsystemtask executer flowitemconveyour
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1 Answer

Jeff Nordgren avatar image
Jeff Nordgren answered

@Nouf A2,

I'm not sure if I understand exactly what you are trying to accomplish in your model. But the way I understand what you are describing, the attached model is how I would do it.

Would something like this solution work for your situation?



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