
Glenson G avatar image
Glenson G asked Glenson G commented

AGV stopped picking items after awhile

Hi @Felix Möhlmann ,

In this version of my model, there is a change in layout I have added more areas for delivery. I have also changed the area for the AGV staging area. May I ask for the Wait For Event CP, as it no longer travels unidirectional to the collection point, how do I prevent the deadlock from happening? (The AGVs stopped picking items after awhile)

Also, I would like amend the schedule where the AGVs will be collecting from different queues as well. How do I place the Wait For Event CP (if I have to), or do I have to make changes in the process flow?

Thank you!


FlexSim 18.2.3
agvagvpathagv elevator
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Glenson G commented

You can add more than one event to the "Wait for Event" activity, so that the token can continue regardless of the direction the AGV is approaching from.



When you have multiple queues to pick up from I would suggest to specify the triggering CP(s) per queue. For example through a label on the respective queues. You can then copy that label to the token once it knows where to drive and use that label in the 'Object' field, so that the activity only triggers when the AGV arrives at the specific point. (To prevent early triggers in case an AGV passes a different trigger CP on its way to a different queue)



At some point an AGV can't find a path because there is a piece missing on Lvl25 of Core3.


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