
Nicolas Mbz avatar image
Nicolas Mbz asked Nicolas Mbz commented

How to browse child groups and their content ?


I have 6 shapes. 2 shapes in Group1, 3 shapes in Group2 and 1 shape not in a group.

These 2 groups and the shape are children of the group "All".

I want to execute an action (for example change the color) on each of the objects present in the parent group.


Maybe the idea is detecting that the element[i] in the parent group is a group, then going inside the element[i] then brows again. But, don't know how to do it and make a clean loop. Help? Thanks in advance


FlexSim 22.2.2
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
1 Like"
Matthew Gillespie answered Nicolas Mbz commented

The easiest way is to use the Group.toFlatArray() method:

  1. Array all = Group("All").toFlatArray();
  3. for (int i = 1; i <= all.length; i++)
  4.     all[i].color = Color.random();
· 1
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