
Leo L6 avatar image
Leo L6 asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Area Restriction and Prioritization for Multiple Conveyors

Hello all,

How do I restrict area for multiple conveyor sections? for example making sure the middle section in red is clear before the items from the source can reach the sink.1668642049161.png

I know I could set it up so that each entering object in the middle section checks every conveyor section content before moving through, but is there an easier way?

Also, is there a way to prioritize items from Source1 for example? as in items from Source1 always pass first regardless of which other items arrived first.

Help is much appreciated, thank you!

FlexSim 22.2.2
conveyorsystemdecision pointarea restrictionusing conveyors
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

You can use the "Acquire Area"/"Release Area" triggers available on Decision Points, Photo Eyes and Stations.


Before an item can enter it has to pass one of those objects with a trigger set to acquire the area.

At the exit the area is released again. When releasing you can also set that waiting items should be prioritized based on a label (or another expression, but a label is probably easiest).


Each restricted area always has a single 'owner' that needs to be referenced in each trigger dealing with that area. Since there are multiple entry points but only one exit I would suggest to use the Decision Point/Photo Eye/Station at the exit as the owner and refer to it at the entries via port connections (which is actuall the default when adding those options to a trigger).

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