
diana avatar image
diana asked Jason Lightfoot edited


1115.fsm how can i dispatch this model usingshortest processing time and longest processing time,ERD(FCFS, ready time), ECT(ready time+processing time),Because my three products will be reflowed, for example, a machine will first process item1=0, and then reflow process item1=2, so how can the machine be ordered by processing time ASC before selecting item1=1 products in the SPT setting? I already have the processing time of each machine for three products in the global table,

FlexSim 20.1.3
1115.fsm (330.4 KiB)
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

Put the expressions for ERD, ECT, SPT on the lists an when you pull you can say ORDER BY ..... ASC etc. Use the value and puller keywords in the expressions to refer to the jobs and resources (or vice versa) to determine the ERD and ECT based on the jobs that you've already assigned to that resource. I'd keep a track of those use a resource label with array or map data.

Also - your model looks like it should be using Object Process Flows since there is much duplication.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered diana edited

You can read table values in function for Process Time. You can assign label values at your items entering your processors. You read such labels to identify table row and column to get table cell value as your process time. If you compute your process time by different table cells you need more label values to get evaluated.

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