
Jimmy G2 avatar image
Jimmy G2 asked Jimmy G2 commented

How to transfer labels from pushed token to a pulled token?

I'm trying to get my Type label to transfer from a pushed token to a pulled token, at the end of my model. I've tried the steps in the attached previous question with no luck ( Just wondering if someone could assist? My main goal is to have items assigned a color by Type after its pulled from the list.

JD Packaging Single Lane 1_2.fsm

FlexSim 22.0.7
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Jimmy G2 commented

The tokens that are pulled move to a sink immediately afterwards. So when the puller is trying to read the label the token is already deleted.

You can either use the SELECT statement in the query to assign labels (which must be present on the list as fields) directly to the puller, using the same name.


Or you place a 0s delay after the "Push to List" activity to halt the token until its label was copied over.


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