
Jeremy R avatar image
Jeremy R asked Matthew Gillespie commented

Gantt chart Colors menu is empty

I often find that the "Colors" menu on Gantt charts just disappears entirely. It doesn't happen all of the time, but it does happen occasionally, and often enough that it's really frustrating.

Occasionally, the entire "Colors" panel on the Gantt Chart properties is just complete empty. It expands as if it has content, but it's just blank space. Collapsing/expanding doesn't fix it, nor does closing and reopening the Properties window.


I tried creating a brand new model Gantt Colors.fsm, added only a dashboard and Gantt Chart (from Base Chart Types), and was able to reproduce the issue. Just in case the lack of data in the Gantt Chart could be the cause of the issue in this test model, I also threw together a really basic Statistics Collector to drive it.

I don't expect this behaviour to necessarily be reproducible (even in the model I attached). Even for the exact same model, it seems to vary based on the monitor I display it on. But I can't figure out how to consistently reproduce it.

Is there something I'm doing that's causing this? If there's a workaround to force the Colors fields to show up when it does this, I would be really interested in knowing it.

FlexSim 22.2.2
quick propertiesuser interfacegraph colors
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gantt-colors.fsm (31.2 KiB)
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Andrew O avatar image Andrew O commented ·

Hi @Jeremy R, was Felix Möhlmann's answer helpful? If so, please click the "Accept" button at the bottom of their answer. Or if you still have questions, add a comment and we'll continue the conversation.

If we haven't heard back from you within 3 business days we'll auto-accept an answer, but you can always unaccept and comment back to reopen your question.

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Matthew Gillespie commented

I believe the developers are aware of this bug. (At least they should be because problems with the properties side bar are quite prevalent, also in other areas).

In my experience this can sometimes be fixed by opening the default work space. Other times it requires to close and reopen FlexSim.


In any case, I've found that the quicker properties GUI youi open by double clicking on an object does not have this problem. So you should always be able to make changes through that.


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Matthew Gillespie avatar image Matthew Gillespie ♦♦ commented ·

@Jeremy R @Felix Möhlmann

This issue is fixed in 23.0.9 and 23.1.3 released today.

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