
Chandler S avatar image
Chandler S asked Jason Lightfoot edited

Transporter running through walls

Trash and cardboard project.fsm. Attached is a project I am working on to find the best path to the queues and then deliver to the sink. How can I do this and not have the transporter run through walls and rack. I know I can use a travel network, but I want the transporter to decide the fastest path to take.

FlexSim 22.2.3
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

Consider using the Astar navigator which will save you having to set up a travel network. You will have to add members/barriers.

I would not recommend the use of a proximity or social force based agent system for your model as they are slow, hard to set up correctly and often don't yield the correct emergent behaviors.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered

A model emulates only reality. FlexSim Features haven’t a physical engine yet. If you want to prevent collisions you find such a feature in agent system module. Another option is an A*Star grid mentioned by @Jason Lightfoot. You can also evaluate possible collisions and tell a taskexecuter to travel over some locations to a destination by Type TASKTYPE_TRAVELTOLOC before loading or unloading items. You would customize a tasksequence to get a more realistic travel path.

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