
Yokota T avatar image
Yokota T asked Jason Lightfoot edited

Is it possible to import csv files with many rows?

Hello all,

I'm trying to import a csv file with about 700,000 rows into a table. I've tried to use importtable(), but FlexSim is not responding, probably because there are too many rows.

Is there another way to import the csv file ?

FlexSim 22.0.11
csv files
· 1
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·
Please think about a different approach:
  1. setup a database and read only values of interest
  2. split file into smaller parts and read them after one another
  3. filter relevant data externally and provide an optimized version to import

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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

Try setting your table to use bundle data (and adding an index if you will be querying it with filters) - if it's a one time process then just wait until it's done and save your model. If it's a regular process then consider putting the data into a database and have FlexSim import from that for speed - either performing the full import or partial imports on demand.

Also consider if you need all the 'raw' data or if you can store processed/summary data in a more condensed format.

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