
Sujit avatar image
Sujit asked Jeanette F commented

2 operators working on 3 machines (1 machine shared) in batch production

2 operators working on 3 machines (1 machine shared) in batch production of 5 pieces.

1 Operator process half of the work for 5 pieces and then second operator process those pieces for remaining half operation and then take those 5 pieces to next machine.

Sample for 2 operators on 3 machines and working in batch production.fsm

FlexSim 23.0.2
operator tasksbatch productionhalf operationshared machine
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦ commented ·
Are you saying you want to interrupt the process time of Processor1 and switch operator for each part?

If so, perhaps this is better done using a process flow.

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Jeanette F avatar image Jeanette F ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @Sujit, was one of Joerg Vogel's answers helpful? If so, please click the "Accept" button at the bottom of the one that best answers your question. Or if you still have questions, add a comment and we'll continue the conversation.

If we haven't heard back from you within 3 business days we'll auto-accept an answer, but you can always unaccept and comment back to reopen your question.

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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel commented

Please review a multiprocessor object. A multiprocessor can call for each process step a different operator, but maybe you need to do this with some source code writing. In your source code you will evaluate actual processing step and reference a different operator. Such a reference can be a different center port connection.

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Sujit avatar image Sujit commented ·

Can you apply your suggestion in my sample model please..

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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel Sujit commented ·


Ok , you don't need source code. It is a basic function. Just change a parameter to call operator from center port number 1 or 2 differently in 1-Process or 2-Process.

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Sujit avatar image Sujit Joerg Vogel commented ·

@Joerg Vogel I have gone through your model. In that both operators works at a time. but in my case One operator will work for 5 parts continuously and then second operator will work on those same 5 parts. These are sewing machines. central machine is having 2 operations, first operation will be done by Operator 1. after this he will leave 5 Pieces on machine. second operator approaches to common machine and finish second operation for those 5 Pieces.

Please apply this in my sample model.Sample for 2 operators on 3 machines and working in batch production.fsm

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann commented ·

The multiprocessor can, as far as I can see, only process one item at a time. So doing the first step for 5 items before any start the second step is not possible.

You could instead model this by either using two sequential processors and close the first processor's input every five items until those are also finished on the second processor. Though the utilization would be split between the two objects.

Or you use a single processor and have each operation be a full process with the items being stored in an intermediate queue after step 1. The processor can use a customized Pull Strategy to pull a batch of five items in a round robin format (5 through port 1 -> 5 through port 2 -> 5 through port 1...). The process time, operator and output destination are all determined by the port through which the item entered the processor which is written to a label in the OnEntry trigger.


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