
Lambert avatar image
Lambert asked Lambert commented

Delete and Copy Out Objects with lower bound zero


I have several parameters for number of operators, which are referenced to dispatchers (with on set "delete and copy out objects").

However, when I set lower bound to 0, it always keeps at least one operator object.


Is there a way so that if a parameter is 0, the simulation won't create any objects for that parameter?

Thank you in advance!

FlexSim 23.0.2
copy objects
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Lambert commented

Here's an example by changing the OnSet code and putting a label pointer on the reference object. It adds the label firstOutObject in order to create copies but rather than deleting it, disconnects it from the referenceObject (dispatcher in your case).


It assumes:

  • you will reset once with at least 1 outobject connected (when it stores the pointer).
  • there is only one input connection between the object on port 1 and the connection rank will not alter the model when it connects and disconnects when the parameter changes.

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