
Dwight avatar image
Dwight asked Joerg Vogel edited

Pulling from list issue

I have a couple issues I have been unable to work through. Biggest problem is not being able to pull from a list according to a label I am setting by script on start. I am using the 'Set Assigned Parking Spot' custom code in the Divert Process PF to assign a parking spot based on number of chutes and parking spots. Limited testing shows I am setting the correct parking spot, but when I try to use that value to pull from the list of Staged AGVs I get the exception being shown in the picture attached. I can type a static number in that 'Pull_from_List_of_Staged_AGVs' (1, 2, etc) and it works but it won't work when I try to use the label from the current decision point or the label I am assigning it to.


One other thing I am encountering is trouble copying out the object from the current divert objects. I have everything parameterized but when I do the 'Copy and Delete Group Members' (I need to make 66 diverts) I am having problems with the decision point connections. Currently the divert points are being assigned ALL destination points as connected objects. I modified the On Arrival Send Item to reference the correct port (Chute_Number), but would rather not have 66 connected objects (if that's even allowed). Also when the objects are copied I need to move all the decision points slightly to have them associate with the conveyor they are on correctly. I can remove the connections and redo the connections after the objects are created, as well as select and slightly move all the decision points but would rather not if there is a better way. I considered putting everything in a plane object and copying that, but I would need to modify a bunch of things to make that work and then everything would have the same name and be instanced.


FlexSim 24.1.0
treenodelist pull from listvariablesnull variantcopy objects
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel edited

You are not allowed to parse FlexScript code directly in a query clause. You must translate an external code by statement object called Puller into your query clause. You find it as a Parameter in Pull activity. Please undertake some research on your own to understand the mechanism of a Puller for a query in SQL language. And be aware of that SQL is an own Programming Language only available in FlexSim but totally independent from source code structures. There are some mutual interfaces like Lists. But if you evaluate a list structure by SQL queries you must fulfill the syntax of SQL.

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