
Cyrine S avatar image
Cyrine S asked Allister Wilson answered

Using Excel data to parameter a source

I'm trying to create a source with 3 types of products (different color for each, column 1 in Table). I want to use a different inter-arrival-time each time (column 2 ) and each product should be sent to a different conveyor for output (column 3 in table).

  • 1-Do you have a simple Flexscript example on how to use Excel data to parameter a source please ?
  • 2-When importing the data i remarked that there is some '0' in the GlobalTable instead of the values in my excel file. Do you know how i can fix this please.

    Thank you in advance for your answers.
FlexSim 18.1.1
flexscriptsourceexcel importtreenodeinput
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1 Answer

Allister Wilson avatar image
Allister Wilson answered

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