
Pedro Veiga avatar image
Pedro Veiga asked Juliana Y edited

2D model background not visible

I'm struggling to import a autoCAD file to flexsim background, for some reason the lines are not appearing. If I click in center object in view button I can see it on the model, but still not visible.


What can be wrong?

OBS: the file is just a piece of my original file.


FlexSim 22.0.8
model backgroundautocad backgroundimporting autocad files
1675099141455.png (116.1 KiB)
test-v27.dwg (85.8 KiB)
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Pedro Veiga avatar image
Pedro Veiga answered

Yeah, for some reason now it worked, thanks for your time.

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Juliana Y avatar image
Juliana Y answered Juliana Y edited

Hi Pedro,
Have you tried Zooming Out to be able to see the layout? Sometimes the background does not appear due to being zoomed in on the central object.

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