
a_ltf avatar image
a_ltf asked Felix Möhlmann answered

i want to keep the number of flowitems containers the same

in this model i created a decision decison point so i could create the product on the pallet (on arrival) but i want keep the number of pallets fixed in the cycle
i want the pallets to be stored at pallets queue to be reused

assembely line.fsm


FlexSim 22.2.1
process flowfixed resource process flow
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered

It is not quite clear what your actual question is. I'll give a couple general tips below. Could you elaborate on what you mean if those don't answer the question?

In the most simple way, doing what you describe would just mean to create a set number of pallets in the queue and connect it to the conveyor. A throughput limitation could be realized by closing and opening the queues output in the first conveyor's triggers.

One thing I noticed: In the "Wait for Event" activity, you might want to wait for the specific pallet the tokens belongs to to enter the queue. Otherwise all tokens that are waiting will resume as soon as any of the pallets reach the queue. Which results in items still on the conveyor getting deleted.



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