
kauan pedroso avatar image
kauan pedroso asked Jeanette F commented

Emulation of a database

Hey guys

I'm wanting to do an emulation getting data from a database (SQL Serve) but I don't know where to start. If there is anyone who can help me where I should start studying and what are the steps for me to be able to do this activity, I would appreciate anyone who can help me on this journey.

FlexSim 21.2.4
emulationdatabasesql server
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1 Answer

Luciano Cavallero avatar image
Luciano Cavallero answered


as pointed by Jason you need to be more specific in what you need.

If you need to get data from a database for feed you model you can use the database connector available in FlexSim to retrieve the data.

If you need to get data from another source you can use one of the available protocols in the emulation module, include the industry standard OPC UA.

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