
rtinkess31 avatar image
rtinkess31 asked rtinkess31 commented

Task Executor Flow Item Not Following Path

I've got a source that is creating Task Executors as flow items and I've added a mandatory path from the source to a queue. However, the people are walking straight from the source to the queue and ignoring the path.

Is there something extra I have to do to get them to follow the path?


FlexSim 22.2.2
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Andrew O avatar image Andrew O commented ·
Hi @RTinkess31, would you be able to post your model so we can take a look? It seems like you may not be adding your Task Executors to the navigator that would make them follow the path.
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rtinkess31 avatar image rtinkess31 Andrew O commented ·
Hi @Andrew O , I've attached a sample of what I'm trying to do. Basically I want the TEs to walk through the maze but they're just going around it.
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1 Answer

Long G avatar image
Long G answered rtinkess31 commented

As v23.0.1.fsm show ,it did the trick (Source's on creation tirgger).But is there anybody haver another way that is not 'contextdragconnection' ? I forget the command may make traveler's 'Use Mandatory Paths ' checked.

v2301.fsm (29.3 KiB)
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rtinkess31 avatar image rtinkess31 commented ·
Thanks, that code snippet will work for me.
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