
Nil Ns avatar image
Nil Ns asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Some problems when export dates

Hello All,

I am trying to export some data to Excel, but I have a problem with the dates.

I use Model.dateTime.toString("%x") to create the date column in FlexSim:


The date is in format DD/MM/YYYY, the same that the model and the format that I want.

But that's the column in excel, after the export:


As you can see Excel change the format of the first date to MM/DD/YYYY.

When I create a filter, this is what appears:


It seems that Excel has the date saved as March 2 (and not February 3). The other dates are simply interpreted as a string.

Any idea?

Thanks for the support!

FlexSim 22.2.3
excel exportdatetime
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered

You could try to use "convert()" to transform the FlexSim datetime into the Excel time format and then export those values.


I don't know if the export would overwrite the column format setting in Excel. But if it does, switching it back to date formatting should result in the correct date.

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· 2
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