
gilbert jerald avatar image
gilbert jerald asked gilbert jerald commented

Excel export error?


The key thing which i am expecting is. How to export the output results into excel without clearing the previous exported results in the same excel sheet.

The problem here is when i try to export the new results, the old exported results remains unchanged. so this problem let me to create a new excel every time when i try to export different results. Is there any way to overcome this problem. Your answer is very much useful.

Thank you.

FlexSim 18.0.1
excel export
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1 Answer

Matt Long avatar image
Matt Long answered gilbert jerald commented

All you need to do is make your second table 4 x 5 with the 4th row and 5th column being empty. This will ensure that those cells are cleared when you do the second export. Use string data in those empty cells so they don't export 0's into your excel sheet.

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