
tong avatar image
tong asked tannerp edited

Language messed up when exporting from Global Table to Excel

I have a question about excel output. When I export from the Global Table of FlexSim17.1.2 to Excel, the language code is messy. Could you tell me how to solve this problem? Thank you!

FlexSim 17.1.2
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excel exportmessys code
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered tong commented

Thanks for the example model. I'm able to replicate the issue you are describing using your sample model.

This appears to be a bug. I'll add a case to the dev list.

For now, you could follow Jörg's suggestion to use exporttable() to export each table to a csv file. Then use Excel's "From Text/CSV" Data import feature, which enables you to specify the text encoding, to load the csv files. When you select UTF-8, it loads this table correctly. See the image below:

exporttable-csv.png (196.3 KiB)
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