
Kyle Y avatar image
Kyle Y asked Jeanette F commented

how to let agv to charge station when has no task?

how to let agv to charge station when has no task? But when new task come, agv will direct to execute the task?

FlexSim 23.0.3
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered

Without seeing the model, you could try giving the AGV a task to travel to a control point and a subtask to get it to start charging and a delay task for the remaining charging time. Before the AGV travel task you should add a MILESTONE task and then preempt it away with any new tasks. When the preempting task is complete the AGV will resume the charging task sequence. This is standard task sequence behaviour.

You may need/wish to add a process flow if you don't have one already to better manage and visualise the events and charging state.

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