
SaiKrsih avatar image
SaiKrsih asked SaiKrsih commented

How processor can read batchsize and processing time from global table?

Hello Flexsim Answers Group,

Using a global database, I'm trying to instruct the processor to read the size of a batch and its batchprocessing time. I am addressing the problem that a batch is processed more quickly than the time allotted in the global table. Additionally, throwing out a few errors as well. Later, I noticed that I hadn't specified the batch size, but I didn't know how to call two inputs at once (batchsize and batch quantity) into the options in the below picture.



Any sugesstions please, i do looked into previous questions but i haven't found a proper reference.


FlexSim 22.2.0
global tableprocesstimebatch size
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Sebastián Cañas avatar image
Sebastián Cañas answered SaiKrsih commented

Hi @SaiKrsih ,
You can use the syntax Table("NameOfGlobalTable")[RowNumber][ColumnNumber]. This way you can reference the value of a property from a value in a Global Table. Some properties has the option in the picklist to reference or you can also use the sample tool.

I recommend you to read this part of the manual.


· 1
5 |100000

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