Dear all,
I want to export the event log for each replication/scenario of an experiment.
To do so, I tried to follow the instructions according to this question: Start event log by Flexscript. Formally:
Trigger start of replication:
applicationcommand("seteventlogging",1,-1); // enable logging
Trigger end of replication:
if (!objectexists(childexpfolder)){ string fileName = "eventlog"+string.fromNum(scenario)+string.fromNum(replication)+".csv"; string filePath = modeldir()+fileName; applicationcommand("saveeventlog", 0, filePath); }
Unfortunately, each export is empty (expect the column headers). Using the function applicationcommand("saveeventlog", 0, filePath") in a script window works for the current simulation (not the experimenter).
How can I fix it? Please find attached a simple model. Thanks for you help!