
justinrusty avatar image
justinrusty asked justinrusty commented

Performance Profiler Unavailable

I am trying to utilize the Performance profiler but for whatever reason I am getting the following error


"exception: FlexScript exception: Array index out of bounds at VIEW:/active/MainPanel/BackPanel/SplitterXPane/SplitterYPane/ToolTabPane/TabControl/CodeProfile/TreeMapView/GraphView>eventfunctions/OnDraw c: VIEW:/active/MainPanel/BackPanel/SplitterXPane/SplitterYPane/ToolTabPane/TabControl/CodeProfile/TreeMapView/GraphView"

I have no clue how this originated. I have not edited any of the code in this tree function previously...

FlexSim 22.2.3
tree nodeperformance profiler
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered justinrusty commented

Try re-opening the Default Workspace and/or deleting the node /Tools/ProfileData (it get's written when the perfomance profiler is stopped).

If neither of those fix maybe you could upload the model and we can take a look.

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