
Bernard L2 avatar image
Bernard L2 asked Jason Lightfoot edited

What is the red C node type?

In Statistics Collector, I created a timer every 60 min with 4 event using a Array (to add 4 lines in the table). In the columns tab, I add a Column set to get the value from a table for each of the 4 events. It all worked well till I create a second Statistics Collector with the same structure. I used the first one as reference for the steps I made and suddenly that first one stopped to work. Checking the Statistics collector tree I noticed the schedule and setValue node changed from node type "S" - Function (FlexScript) to "C" - Function (C++), with the "C" in red, which is a type not even listed in the user manual. I add a debug() to the code and it doesn't seem to run since the debug doesn't pop up.


The model also start to popup the "compile First" message when I run it, that didn't happen before and I just don't know what to do with that. Where can I compile the model? Doesn't matter which action I do (OK or Cancel) the error persists.


in the model attached you find: TreeNode_C_Red.fsm

The first Statistic Collector that worked at first and I used as reference for the second one and now is not working (red C node type): sc_CalcPrancha_2

The second one that is working correctly: sc_Estoques2

Thanks in advance!

ps: I manage to fix it by deleting the node, copying and pasting the node from the second Statistics Collector I created, but that shouldn't happen, it just broke my Statics Collector.

FlexSim 23.0.6
tree nodestatisctis collector
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Jason Lightfoot edited

A red letter on a code node means it's not compiled. A red S -> uncompiled FlexScript. A red C -> uncompiled C++.

I'm not sure why those nodes are suddenly toggled as C++ though. You can fix the node by right clicking on those nodes and selecting Build > Toggle Node as C++ then Build > Toggle Node as FlexScript. To build the FlexScript on the node choose Build > Build FlexScript.

If you know what steps you did that turned those nodes into C++, it might be a bug we can fix.

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