
dphilip22 avatar image
dphilip22 asked Jason Lightfoot commented

How do I make task executors pick up specific items from 1 queue

V14.fsmHi Everyone.

In this model I am simulating a steel roll production plant. I have Brown rolls for inventory and orange rolls for customers. I want transporter 4 to pick up the orange rolls and bring them down to queue 11 and I want transporter 3 to fill queue's 3,9 and 10. Currently I cant figure out how to allow the main queue (8) to allow multiple forklifts to pick up from it.

FlexSim 22.0.16
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Sri_vikas K avatar image
Sri_vikas K answered Jason Lightfoot commented

Hi @dphilip22

I have created a replica of your model.

I have given a static label to the item (brown) exiting source as 1 and item (orange) as 2. Based on the label I have given a code at use transport option and used port by case in output section of queue 3. Refer the model below to understand the Idea clearly.

1. Refer the triggers of both sources.

2. Refer the Output section of queue 3 properties panel.


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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

You had incorrectly connected Transporter3 to the dispatcher - it needs to go from the dispatcher to the transporter, not the other way around.

One way to get the items flowing as you describe is to have the 3 queues that take the customer rolls pull that color only. You can also change the transport dispatcher rule to be based on the item color.

The test is:


(also note: the breakto of Transporter2 is causing exceptions you should change it back to new tasksequences)

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