
Lenny C avatar image
Lenny C asked Braydn T commented

How do I model multiple Queuing lines?

Hi Flexsim HC Community,

I want to model 3 registration kiosks, each with its own queuing line. I would like the model to show that as people enter the facility, they would encounter the following scenarios:

  1. All kiosks and queuing lines are empty; patient should go to the first kiosk they encounter
  2. 1 kiosk is occupied and all queuing lines are empty; patient should go to the first empty kiosk they encounter
  3. 2 kiosks are occupied and all queuing lines are empty; patient should go to the empty kiosk
  4. All 3 kiosks are occupied and all queuing lines are empty; patient should go to the nearest queuing line
  5. All 3 kiosks are occupied and 1 queuing line is occupied; patient should go to the nearest empty queuing line
  6. All 3 kiosks are occupied and 2 queuing lines are occupied; patient should go to the unoccupied queuing line
  7. All 3 kiosks are occupied and all 3 queuing lines are occupied; patient should go to the queuing line with the shortest queue

How do I set the entrance criteria of the queuing line such that the above behaviour is modelled?

FlexSim HC 5.3.10
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1 Answer

Cliff King avatar image
Cliff King answered Braydn T commented

I suggest making things a little more simple (and probably more realistic) and only use one waiting line for all the kiosks. If you put all kiosks in the same area , then you can model this situation as you would a single queue and single line.

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